Monday, December 17, 2012

Law of Conservation of Details

I try to avoid skimping on the descriptions for people, places, and things.  Sometimes I can't avoid it.  It's getting late, I'm getting tired or any number of distractions are occurring.  Then you get descriptions like "You're in a desert.  There is sand."  Of course the players know by this point that anything mentioned by the DM is important enough to warrant further investigation.  So off they go on a merry chase after whatever it is that is so important about the sand in this particular desert.

Image from Imgur
LooneyDM out


  1. Over the years I've gradually drifted off course with my descriptions. They used to be vivid and plentiful, so much so that when I described a rusty old sword (that was actually an artifact) in a pile of stuff the only person to pick it up was the player who had just lost all his gear. Everyone else legitimately overlooked it.

    It's easy to drift from plentiful descriptions to limited and scarce. Going the other way on the scale seems to be much more difficult though.

  2. It's an uphill battle to go from minimal descriptions to more fleshed out ones. Who knew it would be so much work? I find it's worse when I have a map because I start thinking "they can look at the map and see what's there" and I get lazy.
